Expédition spéléologique en Thaïlande- Khaophutong Khaothakhanun 8
Janvier-avril 2023- Résumé/Abstract
Tanks to the departmental Speleology committee of Indre et Loire – Rangers of the National park Lam Nklong Ngu – Saiyok Yai and Wildlife sanctuary for their kind authorization.
Fédération Française de spéléologie
Sunanta Losuwan – Marc Boureau – Alexis Rateau (photographe)– Didier Rateau(chef d’expé)
ThailandGeological Survey Division, Department of Mineral Resources (DMR)
Dr. Apsorn Sardsud (Director of Geological Survey Division)
Mr. Norarat Boonkanpai (Director of Geological Management Section)
Mr. Chaiporn Siripornpibul (Advisor of Geological Survey Division)
Mr. Chaiyasit Kruasorn (DMR Staff)
Ms. Russarint Siripattarapureenon (DMR Staff)
Ms. Jutamas Junpangngern (DMR Staff)
Ms. Jeamliga Duangkeawroen (DMR Staff)
Ms. Piyaporn Hinsaeng (DMR Staff)
Ms. Kotchapan Loedtawiwong (DMR Staff)
Department of Groundwater Resources, Thailand
Mahippong Worakul (Geologist Expert Staff DGR)- Kittipong Palee(Staff DGR)….
National Speleological Society
Peter Lenahan -Page Aschwel -Andrew. D.Foord- (Robert Keith, Visitor)

Our eighth expedition is back after three months of explorations in the jungle, Kanchanaburi province, in central western Thailand.
A first team arrived in early January, went to recognize Tham Lung Choo, an unknown underground river discovered during our previous expedition (2022), in Srinagarindra National Park. The rain being part of the exploration was pushed back and resumed in February, we stopped several hundred meters away on a semi-drowned narrowness with a strong current of air and the hum of a powerful waterfall! It is the calcite deposited by the splashing of water which currently hinders the passage the problem will be solved in 2024.
The massif Above completely virgin and difficult to access, with 500 meters of drop and a karstified plateau around 800m to 1000m above sea level, has many cavities under exploration and study. It should be noted the presence of totally depigmented small fish that will be studied. Quick exploration of Tham Nam Mut where we progressed upstream and which is located in a small massif nearby, known cavity but the presence of c0² sometimes complicates explorations.

Most of January was devoted to the exploration, study and topography of new cavities, in the Ban Pak Mueang sector, and Saiyok-Yai. 6,700.00m (unpublished) are surveyed in total in this sector, with 57 new cavities, 38 of which are being explored (since 2022). Two large collectors have been highlighted with hydrological breakthroughs of more than fifteen kilometers with a complicated geology, let us add to that the difficulties of access and identification in the jungle and the presence of troops of elephants which sometimes prohibit the access of certain sectors.
A first tracing with fluorescein with the D.G.R allowed to Link the Tham Keaw river with one of the resurgences nearby, a larger project is planned in the next expeditions, after having warned all the parties. ( local authorities).

During the month of February, we continued the topographies of caves discovered in past years, in particular Tham Samakkitham, and Tham Man Mongklon in the Ban Bon Ti Noi sector, accompanied by the wife of the village chief, as well as tham AOB in Ban MongKala. From February 4 to 8 in the National Park of Saiyok Yai, with our Thai colleagues from the D.M.R we organized an upgrade course, in distox and topodroid topography, on this occasion we worked on 3 cavities newly explored Tham Keaw Lokutram, Tham Pipong7, Tham Pumanav, we thank the National Park Rangers for providing a room and their authorization. Our research in the Erawan National Park has brought 4 new cavities, two of which are important.
Additional readings of C0² levels in a hypogene karst, Tham Daoprasut /Tham Pathim rattanatip Walee were carried out twice as well as additional topography.
A first reconnaissance is carried out on February 14 in the sector of Lam Nklong Ngu, Bo Ngam in particular in Tham Sao Hin, with the rangers of the National park, then a second at the beginning of March. The very interesting and promising sector is occupied by a large canyon, with several hundred meters of drop, and many large cavities, with complicated access. We have obtained authorization to carry out a dedicated expedition there at the beginning of 2024, it should be noted the presence of elephants in the sector.

The next expedition will take place from January to April 2024, with 3 main objectives which can be summarized as follows:
– Continuation of explorations and studies in the Saiyok yai sector, with one or two weeks of training in rope(S.R.T) progression techniques with our Thai friends from the D.M.R.
– Continuation of explorations in the Khao Krabung sector, and Ban Pak Mueang
– Explorations in the Lam Nklong Ngu National Park
A detailed principle schedule will be established in the fall and can be consulted on request as well as on our website-
Our expedition is now taking place in collaboration with our Thai colleagues, we had the visit of Mrs. ASPORN SARDSUD, Ph.D Director of Geological Survey Division (D.M.R), and Mr. Mahippong Worakul Geologist Expert Level from the office of Groundwater Development (Lampang) during the tracing. The expedition ends in Bangkok with a common meal at the invitation of Chaiporn Siripornpibul (Advisor of Geological Survey Division).
For the Didier Rateau team on April 17, 2023
(Thanks to Éric David, for his help on Visual TOPO, and Marco Corvi for Topodroid)